Anyone who votes for a woman, or a minority, or anyone else, "because its time", is an idiot. I cant believe the number of times I heard a person say they were voting for Hillary because it was time for a woman to become president. Ludicrous!!!
Look, I would love to see a woman become president. But based on nothing more than her qualifications. I couldn't care less about race, gender, or sexual orientation, as long as the person has the right ideals, proven leadership skills and qualifications to become president. Too many idgets out voting based solely on getting Anever Hadbeen into office, just so they feel like they've (whatever special group they belong to) arrived. Get there based on your abilities and qualifications. Once you get there, if you're a woman, a minority race, or any other specialty group, we can celebrate that for one night. It can go into the record books and the history books. But after that, it's back to work!